- The mechanics of staging a play are very complicated. 排演话剧的过程很复杂。
- By analysed on vibration theory we knew that the load js a static load in mechanics of materials, when the loaded time is 6-8 times as much than the natural vibration period of the unit of structure. 通过振动理论的分析得知;材料力学中静载荷的定量标准是:当加载时间为构件系统的固有振动周期的8倍以上时;这种载荷即可认为是静载荷.
- He has natural ability, but has yet to learn the mechanics of his chosen work. 他很有天分,但对选择的工作该怎样处理,他仍得好好学习。
- He grasped the mechanics of play-writing. 他掌握了剧本的写作技巧。
- The mechanics of entropy are a matter of chance. 熵的构成是一个机遇问题。
- STUDY the mechanics of each blow, strike and kick. 研究每一种打击和踢击的技术细节。
- The mechanics of fixing a car are very long. 修理一部汽车的过程很长。
- Now the collapse mechanism of structure has not been clear, which has been a key project for earthquake researcher and civil engineer worker. 至今人们对结构在地震力作用下的倒塌破坏机理都不是很清楚,这历来一直是地震工作者和土木工作者研究的重要课题。
- Recoil mechanism of simulated firing device consists of structural forms of double recoil brakes and single recuperator. 某模拟发射装置的反后坐装置采用双驻退机和单复进机的结构形式。
- The mechanics of the machine are very old. 这台机器的机件非常老。
- What exactly are the mechanics of intonation? 不同的语调究竟是如何实现的?
- The vanes are made of structural angle iron. 叶轮可用角钢制成。
- The regulatory mechanisms of blood pressure,the influence of structure and composition on the antihypertensive peptides functions and the research advance in plant... 对血压调节机制,降血压肽的结构和组成对其功能的影响,以及目前植物源降血压肽研究进展进行了综述。
- Mechanics of materials is a branch of . 材料力学乃应用力学之分枝。
- This paper studied the forming mechanisms of the Qiyang arcuate structure through regional tectonic evolutional setting and characteristics of structural deformations. 结合区域构造演化背景及构造变形特征,对祁阳弧形构造的形成机制进行研究。
- Recent progress is presented regarding the research of structure, process, property, failure and strengthening mechanism of the composite "nitrided layer PVD coating". 摘要介绍了“渗氮/物理气相沉积(PVD)”复合涂层在涂层结构设计、工艺与性能、失效与强化机制等方面研究的最新进展。
- Discrete optimum design of structures II. 离散变量结构优化设计2。
- The soldier told us where the firing mechanism of a rifle is. 那个士兵告诉我们哪儿是步枪的击发装置。
- Complexity of structure or content. (结构或内容的)复杂性
- Oh, what kind of structure is it? 王渊源:哦,那是一座什么样的建筑呢?